Music For Songwriters

Click play and listen to this one-minute introduction to find out what you need to know.

Toplining is easy to learn - and can become highly addictable, terribly entertaining and maybe even profitable if you master it.

One of the great aspects of toplining is its accessibility. Whether you're a seasoned musician or someone who has never sung a note

Click play and listen to this one-minute introduction to find out what you need to know.

Toplining is easy to learn - and can become highly addictable, terribly entertaining and maybe even profitable if you master it.

One of the great aspects of toplining is its accessibility. Whether you're a seasoned musician or someone who has never sung a note in their life, toplining offers an easy entry point into the world of music creation.

With a little creativity and a willingness to experiment, you and your family can embark on a thrilling journey that might just turn you into the next Jackson 5 or Everly Brothers.

To get started, all you need is a basic understanding of melody and a love for music. Toplining involves creating vocal melodies over an existing instrumental track, adding a unique twist to the music and bringing it to life. It's like writing the icing on the cake, adding a catchy hook or a memorable chorus that listeners can't get out of their heads.

To make the process even more enjoyable, you can turn your toplining sessions into fun games that involve the whole family.

And for those who think they can`t sing ; you can rap. So no excuses for anybody to leave the room...!

Here are a few game ideas that will not only ignite your creativity but also foster a sense of collaboration and togetherness:

Melody Relay: Divide into teams and take turns topline writing. Start with a basic blues instrumental backing track or something easy to get into for everyone.

Each team member contributes a few lines of melody before passing it on to the next person. The goal is to create a cohesive and engaging melody that evolves as it passes through each family member's hands. It's a fantastic exercise in teamwork and encourages everyone to bring their unique musical ideas to the table.

Genre Mashup: Choose two different music genres and combine them to create a unique sound. For example, you can merge a country-style instrumental with a hip-hop vocal melody. Experiment with different combinations and see what interesting musical fusions you can come up with. This game encourages creativity, as you'll have to think outside the box to blend genres successfully.

Lyric Challenge: Write a set of random words or phrases on separate pieces of paper and place them in a hat. Each family member takes turns picking one word or phrase and incorporating it into their toplining session. This game sparks creativity and forces you to think on your feet as you integrate unexpected elements into your melodies.

Remember, the aim of these games is to have fun and let your creativity flow. Don't worry about creating a masterpiece right away—toplining is all about experimentation and discovery. However - always keep recording these creative brainstorming moments. Even if you don`t dare uploading it to youtube - it will still be incredibly amusing to watch and listen back to in ten years. Absolutely priceless.

As you play these games and explore different musical ideas together, you'll be amazed at the unique melodies, cool stuff and harmonies your family can create.

Once you've honed your toplining skills as a family, who knows where it might lead? Even if fame and fortune don't come knocking at your door, the joy of creating music together and sharing in the process is a huge reward in itself.

So gather your loved ones, set up a makeshift studio in your living room (you only need two cellphones - one to play the backing track(s) and the other one for recording it. The it`s just to get in the mood and let the melodies flow.

With toplining and these fun family games, you'll not only create cherished memories but also unleash the musical talent within each member of your family.

We wish we could be a fly on the wall.

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