TWINHEAD`s song "FEVER" went straight to NR.1
on (Punk) with our backing track "Fever".

The drummer in the (in)famous norwegian band "Flying crap", from Kristiansand, Claes Sletten, teamed up with producer and keyboardplayer Jan Helge "Janco" Nes and formed the duo TWINHEAD. They are currently finishing two albums that was recorded over 10 years ago, but sadly, everything were laid on ice when Janco met his nemesis. Twinhead simply used the backing track "Fever" on MFS (Music for songwriters), added vocals and keyboards to it and VOILA : It went straight to Nr.1 on (punk)

Listen to the song by pressing PLAY on the player below

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Are you a musician looking for online work?

 Then you need a portfolio that showcases your skills and what you can do. 

Our music is perfect for you to improvise over and to show what you`ve got to offer to your clients.

Producers all over the world could be looking for exactly your type of voice,
way of singing, playing skills or whatever it is that makes you attractive and wanted.

Let your creative juices flow and showcase yourself with our music. 

Rest assured that if it sounds good after you have added your part(s) - it sounds good!

Be confident and trusted by your clients. Be a professional.


Nothing is more annoying than a bad drummer or rhythm section in general.
It sounds so amateurish and turns you off right from the start.

Our tracks are mastered to sound professional, without being too "polished".
This gives you more options to add your own personal flavor and touch to it.