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What are your best attributes?

Show us your songwriting skills, vocal technique and character.

If you play an instrument, let us hear your magic sound!


Create Your Own Adventure

Make up exciting stories

Upload your work to Youtube, Tik-Tok, your own website or wherever you want to promote yourself and what you can do.

Don`t dig yourself deeper and deeper into something that doesn`t work. Always think outside the box and have the guts to say enough is enough.

There is always a reason to why things work or doesn`t.

It`s your life - find out.


How does it work?

How can this help boost my artist career?

Eat, drink and be happy

Don`t take music too seriously

Music is one of life`s biggest luxury assets. It can be enjoyed from a simple, old radio to high-end music speakers and equipment.


On the other hand

Music is most important

Especially when it comes to enjoying life`s riches and good things.

Remember to share and learn others what you know.

Be a guiding light.